George Bellias - Owner, Editor & all things post
In January of 1994, George Bellias took a risk on an idea and an opportunity. Singer/Songwriter Mark Spiro offered George the opportunity to edit a music video featuring Mark and Julian Lennon
George quit his job and started Jade Productions out of his apartment, editing the music video on a Mac Quadra 950 using a Radius VideoVision board, Adobe Premiere version 1 & CoSA After Effects (before Adobe bought it).
A lot has changed since that first music video but one thing that has not, George's relentless quest to combine his passion for technology with his passion to create. This crossroad of technology and art is the heart of Jade Productions.
Industry Recognition
14 Telly Awards for 2D & 3D concerts, TV specials, documentaries & live broadcast
Featured panelist at SXSW Film Festival, 3D Film Festival and other industry forums.
Avid Featured Editor
Featured in Avid Technology's "Meet The Editors" marketing video to promote their Media Compoers & Symphony products.